Creating Websites for the 4620 IP Telephone
Text Elements
Text Elements 5
<br> tag - The <br> tag tells the browser to add a line break to the text at the point the element
is written.
<p> tag - The <p> tag specifies a paragraph of text with alignment and line wrapping
properties. All text data must be contained inside this tag. Only <do> tags, wml and card
elements can exist outside of the <p> tag. When rendered, this tag will cause subsequent
text to begin on the next line.
The following tags are not supported but the content inside the tags will be rendered as normal
<table> tag - The <table> tag specifies a table. This tag is not supported.
<td> tag - The <td> tag defines individual cell contents in each row of a defined table. This tag
is not supported.
<tr> tag - The <tr> tag defines each row of a defined table. This tag is not supported.
Text Formatting Tags 5
The following tags are not supported but the content inside the tags will be rendered as normal
<b> tag - The <b> tag specifies bold text. This tag is not supported.
<big> tag - The <big> tag specifies large font text. This tag is not supported.
<em> tag - The <em> tag specifies emphasized text. This tag is not supported.
<i> tag - The <i> tag specifies italicized text. This tag is not supported.
<small> tag - The <small> tag specifies text using a small font size. This tag is not supported.
<strong> tag - The <strong> tag specifies strongly emphasized text. This tag is not supported.
<u> tag - The <u> tag specifies underlined text. For the 4620 Web Access application, only
links appear underlined. This tag is not supported.
Attribute Value Description Comments
align left
Aligns the paragraph.
Default is “left”
mode wrap
Sets whether a
paragraph should wrap
lines or not
Since horizontal scrolling is not
supported, all text lines are wrapped.
WML pages with mode=nowrap are
ignored, and the text will wrap. NOT