Creating Websites for the 4620 IP Telephone
Event Elements
<do> tags are rendered as softkey labels on the bottom line of the 4620 display. <do> tags are
specified per WML page and therefore are page context-sensitive. The eight “do” types are labeled
either specifically in a WML page or by a browser-dependent label.
If no labels are given, then the “do” types will have the following default labels:
Type Description Comments
accept Acknowledgement of acceptance SUPPORTED
delete Delete item SUPPORTED
help Request for help SUPPORTED
options Options or additional operations SUPPORTED
prev Backward navigation SUPPORTED
reset Clearing or reset SUPPORTED
X-*n or
Experimental SUPPORTED, but treated
as ‘unknown’
Type Default Label if no label specified
accept ACCEPT
delete DELETE
help HELP
options OPTIONS
prev BACK
reset RELOAD
X-*n or x-*n UNKNOWN
Vnd* Any mix of upper or lower cases AVAYA (Available for future use, but currently