Creating Websites for the 4620 IP Telephone
Input Elements
<noop> tag - The noop tag dictates that no operation should be done. This tag can be used on
the card level to prevent an event, specified on the deck level by the template element, from
occurring. It can only be contained in either a do or onevent element.
An example of noop is to use a <do> tag to add a "Back" link to the card. When users click on the
"Back" link, generally they should be taken back to the previous card. However, the <noop> tag
prevents this operation; when the user clicks on the "Back" link nothing happens.
<prev> tag - The prev tag specifies navigation to the previous URL in the history.
<refresh> tag - The refresh tag specifies a refresh task whereby the whatever card is being
displayed will be refreshed. This task specifies the need for an update of the user agent
context as specified by the contained <setvar> elements.This tag can only be nested inside an
anchor, do, or onevent element. Xml:lang is not an associated attribute. User-visible side
effects of the update can occur during the processing of the <refresh>.
Input Elements 5
<input> tag supported - The input tag specifies a point where the user is prompted to enter
Attribute Value Description Comments
name nmtoken REQUIRED. The name of the variable that is set
with the result of the user’s input
emptyok true
Sets whether the user can leave the input field blank
or not. Default is “true”
Sets the data format for the input field. Default is “M”
A = uppercase alphabetic or punctuation characters
a = lowercase alphabetic or punctuation characters
N = numeric characters
X = uppercase characters
x = lowercase characters
M = all characters
m = all characters
*f = Any number of characters. Replace the f with
one of the letters above to specify what characters
the user may enter.
nf = Replace the n with a number from 1 to 9 to
specify the number of characters the user may
enter. Replace the f with one of the letters above to
specify what characters the user can enter. The
user cannot exit the input box unless the correct
number or type of characters is entered. The user
does not receive an error message if incorrect data
is entered