4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
Installing the Thin Client Directory on the Server
The download contains these directories:
avayadiradmin - Files needed for the HTML administration part of the LDAP application
(including the PHP files needed for administration).
avayadirclient - Files necessary for the 4620 user interface (the files that perform the search
query and return search results to the telephone’s display screen).
avayadir.ini - Files containing settings that control the (administration and client) application.
This is a protected directory that cannot be browsed. During the unzip process, it is placed in
the same root as the other two sub-directories. If desired, you may move this directory outside
of the HTML path, providing the new path is PHP-accessible.
avaydirinclude - Common files shared between the Directory administration and client
(end user) interface.
avayadirerror - Text files for search-related error message generation.
avayadirhelp - Text files containing end user Directory assistance.
Installing the Thin Client Directory 5
Installations using Red Hat for Linux 8.0 (or greater): 5
1. Login at the root.
2. Copy the following download file to the Linux system: avayadir-1.0-1.0.i386.rpm.
3. Run the following command from the command line to extract the files to the /var/www/html/
avayadir directory: rpm –ivh avayadir-1.0-1.0.i386.rpm.
4. To enable password control for the Directory Administration Application, create a directory
entry in the httpd.conf file as follows:
5. The default user/password combination is ldap/ldap. To change the password, run “htpasswd
/var/www/passwd/avayadirpasswd ldap”.
6. Open the file /etc/php.ini for editing.
7. Set the option “short_open_tag = On” in php.ini.
The correct file name is httpd.conf, not http.conf.
<Directory “/var/www/html/avayadir/avayadiradmin”>
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Password Required”
AuthUserFile “/var/www/password/avayadirpasswd”
Require user ldap