Server Administration
Activating the Leases 4
Use the following procedure to activate the leases.
1. Click Activate under the Scope Menu.
The light-bulb icon for the scope lights.
Verifying Your Configuration 4
This section describes how to verify that the 46XXOPTIONs are correctly configured for the
Windows NT
4.0 DHCP server.
Verify the Default Option, 176 46XXOPTION 4
Use the following procedure to verify the default option.
1. Select Start
→Programs→Admin Tools→DHCP Manager.
2. Expand “Local Machine” in the DHCP Servers window by double clicking on it until the + sign
changes to a - sign.
3. In the DHCP Servers frame, click the scope for the IP Telephone.
4. Select Defaults from the DHCP_Options menu.
5. In the Option Name pull-down list, select 176 46XXOPTION.
6. Verify that the Value String box contains the correct string from DHCP Software Alternatives
on page 4-7.
If not, update the string and click the OK button twice.
Verify the Scope Option, 176 46XXOPTION 4
Use the following procedure to verify the scope option:
1. Select Scope under DHCP OPTIONS.
2. In the Active Options: scroll list, click on 176 46XXOPTION.
3. Click the Value button.
4. Verify that the Value String box contains the correct string from DHCP Generic Setup
, on
page 4-7.
If not, update the string and click the OK button.
Verify the Global Option, 176 46XXOPTION 4
1. Select Global under DHCP OPTIONS.
2. In the Active Options: scroll list, click 176 46XXOPTION.
3. Click the Value button.
4. Verify that the Value String box contains the correct value from DHCP Generic Setup
, on
page 4-7. If not, update the string and click the OK button.