
Grouping Units
The DSView 3 Explorer automatically groups managed appliances by the type of appliance (DSR
switch, ACS console server and so on). Target devices are automatically grouped based on the type
to which they are assigned.
You may also add and change the following types of groups:
Custom fields - Custom fields allow a user to create groupings of units which are accessed by
all DSView 3 software users
Personal and global unit groups - Global unit groups may be seen by all users; personal unit
groups are visible only to the user who created the group
Site, Department and Location Groups
You may create one or more site, department and location names and then associate units with
them. For example, you could create sites names such as Austin and Sunrise, department names
such as Software Development and Human Resources or location names such as Lab Room 101
and System Administrator’s Office.
Site, Department and/or Location columns may be included in a Units View window display, using
the Customize link. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To group units by site, department or location, you first create a site/department/location, then
associate units with it. Sites/departments/locations that contain units to which a user does not have
access rights will not appear in the side navigation bar. The site/department/location must also have
at least one unit associated with it to be displayed in the side navigation bar.
To add a site, department or location:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. To add a site, click Sites in the top navigation bar. The Sites window will open.