
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer 271
Scan Mode
To start scan mode:
In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), select two or more
target devices that support KVM connections, then click Scan.
Scan mode will start and the Video Viewer windows will appear in the Thumbnail Viewer. A series
of thumbnail frames appear in the Thumbnail Viewer, each containing a small, scaled, non-
interactive version of a target device screen image.
About scan mode
Scan mode moves from one thumbnail image to the next, logging into a device and displaying an
updated device image for a specified length of time (View Time Per Server), before logging out of
that device and moving on to the next thumbnail image. You may specify a scan delay between
thumbnails (Time Between Servers). During the delay, you will see the last thumbnail image for all
devices in the scan sequence, though you won’t be logged into any devices.
When you first launch the Thumbnail Viewer, each frame will be filled with a white background
until a device image is displayed. An indicator light at the bottom of each frame displays the device
status. The default thumbnail size is based on the number of devices in the scan list.
Scan mode has a lower priority than an active connection. If you or another user are connected to a
device, that device will be skipped in the scan sequence, and scan mode will proceed to the next
device unless the Shared Connections Automatically option has been selected, in which case target
devices may be shared and will not be skipped in the scan sequence. No login error messages will
appear. After your interactive session is closed, the thumbnail will be included in the scan sequence
You may disable a device thumbnail from the scan sequence. The thumbnail image remains, but it
is not updated until it is once again enabled.
When running scan mode, it is recommended that logging of the following events (enabled by
default) be disabled in the DSView 3 software system. Each thumbnail scan will result in the
logging of these events. The event log could grow to a huge size if the following events are enabled
and scan mode is run continuously for a lengthy amount of time:
Appliance Change Of State Viewer Session Stopped
Viewer Session Started Appliance Viewer Session Stopped
Appliance Viewer Session Started
Thumbnail Viewer features
Figure 19.3 shows the Thumbnail Viewer areas, and descriptions follow in Table 19.4.