
254 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. To allow other users to share a Video Viewer session automatically, enable the Allow shared
connections automatically checkbox. You will not be notified that they wish to connect to the
session and will not be able to accept or reject the connection.
Disable the checkbox if you want to be notified when other users want to share the Video
Viewer session. When a user attempts to connect to the session, you will be notified and
prompted to accept or reject the connection request.
4. To display a list of shared connections using the View - Connected Users command in the
Video Viewer window, enable the View identity of shared connections checkbox. See
Displaying Video Viewer Users on page 270.
5. To specify if smart card connections can be used in Video Viewer sessions, enable or disable
Allow Smart Cards to be used in Video Viewer sessions.
6. To specify if a single available smart card can be automatically mapped, enable or disable
Automatically map the Smart Card when a single card is present.
7. Click Save and then click Close.
Session time-out
A remote session may time-out if there has been no activity in a session window for a specified
time. The session time-out value is configured by the DSView 3 software administrator at the
switch level. See Managed Appliance Settings on page 147.
You may override this value within the DSView 3 Explorer. If you specify a new time-out value, it
will be used the next time the DSView 3 software is started.
Closing a Video Viewer Session
To close a Video Viewer session:
Select File - Exit from the Video Viewer menu.
KVM Session Profiles
KVM session profiles provide a convenient method of controlling KVM session behavior on a
target device. DSView 3 software appliance administrators may add, change and delete KVM
session profiles. A profile is then assigned to a target device. Appliance administrators or users
with unit configure or unit edit rights may assign a profile to one or more target devices.
There is always one KVM session profile, named the Default KVM Session Profile. (This profile is
called the “default profile” for the remainder of this section.) Its configuration may be changed, but
the default profile cannot be deleted. The default profile is used when the profile assigned to a
target device is deleted. It is also used when a target device is added to the DSView 3 software
system and no other profile is assigned.
NOTE: For DSView 3 software systems that are upgraded to version 3.2 or later from an earlier version, existing
target devices will not be assigned a profile.