340 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Severity icons
For users who are members of the DSView 3 software administrators or auditor user groups, the
non-critical, critical and non-recoverable icons also appear near the right edge of the top navigation
bar in the DSView Explorer window when events of that severity occur. Each icon is accompanied
by a total count of new events of that severity. The counter is decremented when an event of that
severity is deleted from the event log or when an event’s state is changed from New to
Acknowledged (see Event states on page 345). The counter is incremented when a new event of
that severity is added to the log or when an event’s state is changed from Acknowledged to New.
Event categories
Defined events can be classified in the following categories:
• Access control
• Appliance
• Authentication
• Data logging
• External
• Modem
• Sessions
• SSH Passthrough
• Unit status
Email Notifications
The DSView 3 software may be configured to send one or more users an email notification when
an enabled event occurs.
• You may specify which events will trigger an email notification.
Severe abnormal events impacting your DSView 3 management software
session and requires immediate corrective action.
Table 23.1: Event Severity Levels (Continued)
Severity Icon Description