Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer 265
cursor on the remote server. Resetting causes the appliance to simulate a mouse and keyboard reconnect at the
device as if you had disconnected and then reconnected them.
Click the Align Local Cursor button in the Video Viewer toolbar. The local cursor will align with
the cursor on the remote device.
If cursors drift out of alignment, turn off mouse acceleration in the device.
Toolbar commands
These commands may also be specified in a KVM session profile; see Toolbar profile settings on
page 258.
To specify a toolbar hide time:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Toolbar tab.
3. Use the arrow keys to specify the number of seconds to delay the hiding of the toolbar.
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
To add or remove items in the toolbar:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Toolbar tab.
3. Enable the checkboxes for the items to display in the toolbar. Disable the checkboxes for the
items to remove from the toolbar.
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
Video commands
The color depth, scaling and background refresh commands may also be specified in a KVM
session profile; see Video profile settings on page 258. The refresh image button/command cannot
be set in a KVM session profile.
To adjust the color depth:
Select View - Color Depth from the Video Viewer menu, then.select the desired depth.
To change the Video Viewer window resolution:
NOTE: The View - Scaling command is not available if the Video Viewer window is in full screen mode or to non-
primary users of a shared session.
Select the View - Scaling command, then select the desired resolution. The default is 1024 x 768.