
Rev. 3.02
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3-5-2(d) Signal Description
Pin No. Signal name Direction Function
1 Frame GND - Frame Ground
2 SD2 Output
3 SD1 Output
Send Data
”H” : SD1 > SD2 , “L” : SD1 < SD2
4 RD2 Input
RD1 Input
Receive Data
”H” : RD1 > RD2 (RD1-RD2 0.2V)
“L” : RD1 < RD2 (RD1-RD2 0.2V)
7 SGND - Signal Ground
When DTR/DSR is selected, this signal indicates whether the printer is
BUSY or READY. (H/W flow control)
1) DR1 > DR2 (H) : The printer is BUSY.
2) DR1 < DR2 (H) : The printer is READY.
3) The host computer transmits a data to the host,
after confirming this signal.
When DTR/DSR is selected, this signal indicates whether the host
computer is BUSY or READY. (H/W flow control)
1) CS1 > CS2 (H) : The host computer is BUSY.
2) CS1 < CS2 (H) : The host computer is READY.
3) The printer transmits a data to the host, after confirming this signal.
Table 3-17 RS-485 Pin Description
Note : BUSY condition and other information refer to the User’s Manual.
Note : This format is used when the UART for RS-232C is connected to the RS-485 driver.
3-5-2(e) H/W Flow Control
When DR1,2/CR1,2 flow control is select, before transmitting a data, the Printer checks whether the host is
BUSY or not. If the host is BUSY, the Printer does not transmit a data to the host. If the host is not BUSY, the
Printer transmits a data to the Host. The host is the same. Refer to the Interface Part of Chapter 4-3 Special
Circuit Diagrams.
3-5-2(f) S/W Flow Control
When XON/XOFF flow control is selected, the printer transmits XON(ACSII 11h) or XOFF(ASCII 13h) signal
through the TXD line. If the Printer is BUSY, the Printer transmits XOFF(ASCII 13h) to host through the TXD
line. Then the host recognize that the Printer is BUSY. So, the host does not transmit a data to the Printer. If
the Printer is released from BUSY, the Printer transmits XON(ASCII 11h) to host through the TXD line. Then
the host recognize that the Printer is not BUSY. And the host transmit a data to the Printer.
Note : Refer to the Operation Manual about XON/XOFF flow control.
3-5-3 IEEE1284 Parallel Interface
Bidirectional parallel interface : in accordance with the IEEE1284 Nibble/Byte mode.
3-5-3(a) Forward Mode Specification (Compatibility mode)
Data transmission from host computer to printer : Centronics compatiable
Item Description Remark
Data Transmission • 8-bit Parallel
Synchronization • External supplied nStrobe signals
HandShaking • nACK and Busy signals
Signal Level • TTL compatiable
Connector • Centronics 36P
Table 3-18 IEEE1284 Specification