Rev. 3.02
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8-1-4 Ribbon Cassette specifications
Compatible Model Color Ribbon life ("1)
ERC-38 (B) Black 3 million characters {with continuous printing at 25 (77°F)}℃
ERC-38 (B/R) Black and Red
Black: 1.5million characters {with continuous printing at 25 (77°F)}℃
Red: 750,000 characters {with continuous printing at 25 (77°F)}℃
("1) Ribbon life is based on the following conditions:
Character font: 7×9 font (with descenders)
Print pattern: ASCII 96-character rolling pattern. See the specification published by SMP-710/710N
for the print pattern example.
NOTE: Malfunctions and other problems may occur if a ribbon cassette other than the specified ※
one is used.
8-1-5 Environmental specifications
Item Description
Operating: 0°to 40 (32°to 1℃ 04°F)
At 34 (93°F)or higher, there are humidity restrictions;℃
See the figure below.
Storage: -5°to 50 (℃ 23°to 122°F), except paper and ribbon
Operating: 30% to 80% RH(non-condensing)
Storage: 10% to 90% RH(non-condensing),except paper and ribbon
Vibration resistance
* When packed
Frequency: 5 to 55Hz
Acceleration: 5G
Sweep: 10 minutes (half cycle)
Duration: 1 hour
Directions: x, y and z
Impact resistance
* When packed
Package: SMP-710/710N standard package
Height: 60cm(23.62")
Directions: 1 corner, 3 edges, and 6 surfaces
* When unpacked
Height: 5cm(1.97")
Directions: Lift one edge and release it(for all 4 edges)