Rev. 3.02
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[ Description of Timing chart.2 ]
When head carriage step motor stops(left →⑬ left)
The start position of head carriage step motor from right to left⑭
When fir⑮ st outing of head pin from right to left
When last outing of head pin from right to left and when starting line feedⓐ
When ending of printing from fight to leftⓑ
The start position of second printing from left to rightⓒ
Solenoid on time(unlocking coloⓓ r-change printing) : 24ms
When head carriage tip covers the home sensorⓔ (after printing from right to left)
* Electrical Circuit Operation Principles (Hardware Configuration)
[ Component connection diagram ]
The electrical circuitry of the printer consists of the main circuit board and the interface circuit boards.
The figure below is a component connection diagram of the electrical circuitry.
[ Circuit board block diagram ]
The figure below illustrates the circuit block diagram for the printer.