Within the Configure ID-card dialogue box is a dialogue box entitled
‘Production’. There are two options:
• Card encoding
• Label printing
Card encoding involves transferring information from Delegate Database to
the ID card.
To authorize card encoding:
• Click on the ‘Card Encoding’ check box.
A (√) will appear in the box, indicating this function is enabled. The ‘Pro-
duce Card’ push button in the main window will become active, provided
the hardware requirements given below are met.
Label printing involves printing the information specified for the ID-card as
a label.
To authorize label printing:
• Click on the ‘Label Printing’ check box.
An (√) will appear in the box, indicating this function is enabled.
NOTE: These two functions are not mutually exclusive, so it is possible to
specify both card encoding and label printing.
Once you have specified all parameters:
• Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
An ID-card can be produced for the current screen card if the following
conditions are met:
• The current screen card contains valid data for ‘Seat Number’, ‘PIN
Code’, ‘Card Code’ and ‘Vote Weight’
• The ‘View ID-card label’ option is selected
• The ‘Personal Data’ window is not displayed in the main window
• At least one of the two options in the ‘Production’ dialogue box is
• An ID-card encoder has been properly connected to the PC
If the conditions are not met, the ‘Produce Card’ push button is not active.
Digital Congress Network Delegate Database
Page 3-19 Software User Manual