
Within the Configure ID-card dialogue box is a dialogue box entitled
‘Production’. There are two options:
Card encoding
Label printing
Card encoding involves transferring information from Delegate Database to
the ID card.
To authorize card encoding:
Click on the ‘Card Encoding’ check box.
A () will appear in the box, indicating this function is enabled. The ‘Pro-
duce Card’ push button in the main window will become active, provided
the hardware requirements given below are met.
Label printing involves printing the information specified for the ID-card as
a label.
To authorize label printing:
Click on the ‘Label Printing’ check box.
An () will appear in the box, indicating this function is enabled.
NOTE: These two functions are not mutually exclusive, so it is possible to
specify both card encoding and label printing.
Once you have specified all parameters:
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
An ID-card can be produced for the current screen card if the following
conditions are met:
The current screen card contains valid data for ‘Seat Number’, ‘PIN
Code’, ‘Card Code’ and ‘Vote Weight’
The ‘View ID-card label’ option is selected
The ‘Personal Data’ window is not displayed in the main window
At least one of the two options in the ‘Production’ dialogue box is
An ID-card encoder has been properly connected to the PC
If the conditions are not met, the ‘Produce Card’ push button is not active.
Digital Congress Network Delegate Database
Page 3-19 Software User Manual