
File menu
The ‘File’ menu covers opening, saving, closing, deleting and printing of
names files, and terminating the application. The menu consists of the fol-
lowing items:
New... allows the user to create a new names file (refer to page 3-4).
Open... allows the user to open an existing names file. These files are
specified from dialogue boxes displayed when this menu item is selected
(refer to page 3-6).
Copy... allows the user to save the currently open names file under a new
name. The original file is left unchanged (refer to page 3-7).
Delete... allows the user to delete a names file (refer to page 3-8).
Import... allows the user to import a names file (refer to page 3-10).
Export... allows the user to export a names file (refer to page 3-11).
Print... allows the user to print up to nine copies of selected fields in the
current names file (refer to page 3-37).
Exit terminates Delegate Database. If a file has been created or changed,
the program asks if it is necessary to save it (refer to page 4-3).
Edit menu
The ‘Edit’ menu covers the options available to assist editing names files.
The menu consists of the following items:
Cut allows the user to cut a selected area from the currently open names
file and store it in a buffer (refer to page 3-30).
Copy allows the user to copy a selected area from the currently open
names file and store it in a buffer (refer to page 3-30).
Paste allows the user to paste the contents of the buffer in to a names file
(refer to page 3-31).
Delete allows the user to delete a selected area from the currently open
names file (refer to page 3-30).
Select All allows the user to select all fields in the currently open names
file, except those with system-specified values (refer to page 3-30).
Delete Record allows the user to delete a complete screen card (refer to
page 3-31).
Delegate Database Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page A-2