
The ‘Personal Data’ window contains fields for the following data:
Street name and number
Post Code
Date of birth
Telephone number
Fax number
E-mail number
When entering personal data for a new delegate, all of the above fields will
be blank. If you are editing an existing personal data card, the fields will dis-
play the original information.
If the ‘Personal Data’ window is not displayed on screen, you must first
enable it. To do so:
Click on the ‘Personal Data’ push button, located below the ‘Confer-
ence Data’ dialogue box and marked with a downward pointing arrow.
The ‘Personal Data’ window will appear. There will be a text insertion
point in the first text box, ‘Street’.
Type in the appropriate information.
NOTE: There is no horizontal scroll facility, so the maximum number of
characters in any field can never be more than what can be displayed in the
text field.
To access the next text field:
Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard.
You can access any text field by positioning the cursor in the required text
field and clicking.
Information is entered into all fields in exactly the same manner as
explained above for the ‘Street’ field.
Once all information has been entered:
Click on the ‘Personal Data’ push button, located at the top left of the
‘Personal Data’ window and marked with a upward pointing arrow.
The ‘Personal Data’ window will disappear.
Delegate Database Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 3-26