Search menu
The ‘Search’ menu contains options that enable the user to search through
the currently open names file for a particular screen card. The menu con-
sists of the following items:
• Find... allows the user to specify a screen card to be searched for and
other search-related parameters (refer to page 3-28).
• Find Next allows the user to repeat a search process to locate other
screen cards corresponding to the search parameters (refer to page 3-29).
• Find by Card allows the user to search for delegate data related to a par-
ticular delegate card (refer to page 3-29).
View menu
The View menu covers viewing options available to the user. The menu
consists of the following items:
• Multiple Names allows the user to display a list of delegate names with
three other user-specified parameters (refer to page 3-33).
• ID Card Label allows the user to display the contents of the ID-card in
the main window (refer to page 3-34).
• Screen Line allows the user to display the screen line in the main win-
dow (refer to page 3-35).
Fields menu
The Fields menu covers options available to specify the contents of selection
lists for certain screen card fields. The menu consists of the following items:
• Group... allows the user to specify the contents of the ‘Group’ list (refer
to page 3-15).
• Title... allows the user to specify the contents of the ‘Title’ list (refer to
page 3-16).
• Country... allows the user to specify the contents of the ‘Country’ list
(refer to page 3-16).
• Interpretation... allows the user to specify the contents of the ‘Interpre-
tation’ list (refer to page 3-16).
• PIN size... allows the user to specify the contents of the ‘PIN Size’ list
(refer to page 3-16).
Digital Congress Network Delegate Database
Page A-3 Software User Manual