Forwarding Received Fax Documents to a Computer or Fax Machine
Forwarding Received Fax Documents to a
Computer or Fax Machine
This machine enables you to automatically forward received fax documents to a pre-
specied destination. You can specify the desired forwarding destination to suit your needs,
as shown below.
When you are forwarding the received documents to a specied destination, you can also
specify a condition such as “Only the fax documents sent from a specic fax number are to
be forwarded” to sort the received documents automatically.
The maximum number of forwarding settings that you can store is 52 (12 for the Color imageCLASS MF9220Cdn): 50 (10
for the Color imageCLASS MF9220Cdn) with forwarding conditions and 2 without conditions.
You can set whether to print fax documents with forwarding errors, and whether to store them in memory. (See “Handling
Forwarding Documents,” on p. 5-141.)
If a forwarding error occurs when <Print Image> and <Memory Lock Settings> are set to <O> and <Store Image to
Memory> is set to <Do Not Store>, the received documents will be lost.