QT-6600 Reference Manual
3-6. Collection / Consolidation system
This section provides the general description of the data collection / consolidation system
of the QT-6600. The collection / consolidation system is managed by the master/satellite
system using inline network. Installation of any special hardware devices is not required
for collection / consolidation as inline interfaces are standard feature. Communication is
possible with the connection of inline cable.
In this section, the term “master” means a terminal which collects or consolidates data
registered on each terminal (called “satellite”) connected the inline.
The differences between collection and consolidation are as follows.
– Collection
Outputs the data of the master and individual satellite terminals from the master terminal.
– Consolidation
Totals data from the master and satellites, and then output it to a specific device.
– Collection / Consolidation
Collection and consolidation are performed at the same time.
Types of totalizer files
There are following seven types of totalizer files:
– Daily total files
Daily total files accumulate registered data.
– Periodic total 1 files
These files accumulate registered data at the point of sale, and can be reset independently
from the daily total files. Therefore, the total data within specific period can be accessed
by using these files.
– Periodic total 2 files
These files have same functions as the periodic total 1 files, but can reset independently
for getting the different periodic total data within different period.
– Daily consolidation files
These are files to consolidate the daily data.
– Periodic total 1 consolidation files
These are files to consolidate the periodic 1 data.
– Periodic total 2 consolidation files
These are files to consolidate the periodic 2 data.
– Consolidation work files
These files are work files to collect or consolidate the data of daily total, periodic total 1
or periodic total 2 files.
The daily consolidation files, periodic total 1 consolidation files, periodic total 2 consoli-
dation files and consolidation work files must be reserved as work files at the master
terminal during collection / consolidation operations.
Only a file with the same number of records as the records of corresponding daily total files
need to be reserved. For example, if the number of department is 50, then the same number,
50 records, should be reserved for department of other types.