Error messages
Prompt message Meaning Action
E139 Not allowed to be negative
by Minus/Coupon key.
E140 Wrong menu.
E141 Press <TRAY TTL> twice before
E145 Arrangement syntax error.
E150 Incorrect value entry.
E151 Incorrect Key Pressed.
E152 PGM File or Memory number
does not Exist.
E164 Employee No. is not Found
in the Employee File.
E165 Employee No. is not Clocking-in.
E166 Employee No. is Occupied.
E167 Incorrect Job code.
E168 Your Operation is out of
Please Call Manager.
E169 Work Hours Exceeded.
Please Call Manager.
E170 No Shift Remains in the
You cannot Clock-in.
E171 Please Break-out and Retry.
E172 Break Hours Exceeded.
Please Call Manager.
E173 This employee is at work now.
E174 This employee is taking a break
E175 Please Clock-in/Break-out
before you sign on.
or Please Call Manager.
E176 You cannot Clock-in.
Please reset Employee Report.
E177 Time&Attendance Data
Communication Error.
Please Call Manager.
E180 IDC FILE (1) memory full.
Please clear IDC data.
E181 IDC FILE (2) memory full.
Please clear IDC data.
E182 IDC FILE (3) memory full.
Please clear IDC data.
E184 OPEN CHK/TBL data exist.
E185 Item is not active.
E200 Insert CF Card.
E201 Format error.
E203 Insufficient memory.
E205 The file already exists.
Do you replace?
YES:Replace the file.
NO :Input new name.
E210 Mag Card Reader Error.
E211 Wrong Card Prefix Code.
E212 Card Expired.
E213 Card Validation Failed.
E215 Card Format Error.
E240 Customer No. is occupied.
E241 Customer memory full.
E242 Customer not found.
E243 Illegal Site ID.
E244 Credit limit over.
E251 Magnetic card error.
E252 Enter customer name.
E253 Enter address.
Credit balance error
This menu is prohibited by program.
<TRAY TOTAL> key is not pressed twice
before finalization.
Arrangement syntax error
Incorrect entry for PGM
Linking is incorrect.
No such file, no such record
Employee No. is not set in the Employee File.
Employee has not done CLOCK-IN operation
Employee who has done CLOCK-IN operation
attempts to operate CLOCK-IN again.
Employee attempts to operate CLOCK-IN with
incorrect JOB code.
Employees operate CLOCK-IN/OUT in not
allowance time.
Overtime work.
There is no available shift left.
Employee attempts to operate CLOCK-OUT
whilst he/she is in a break time.
Break hours are exceeded.
Employee is at work without break.
Employee who has not done BREAK-OUT
operation attempts to operate BREAK-IN.
Sign on after you clock-in or break out.
Employee Report has not been reset.
Time & Attendance Data communication error.
IDC FILE (1) memory is full of items.
IDC FILE (2) memory is full of items.
IDC FILE (3) memory is full of items.
Open check/ table data exist while resetting
fixed total.
Register non active item.
CF card is not inserted to the slot.
CF card data or formats illegal.
Insufficient memory is remained in CF card.
File name duplication error
Magnetic card read error.
Card prefix code error
Card is expired.
Card validation is failed.
Card format error
Attempt is made to set a customer that already
exists in the customer file.
Customer file becomes full.
This customer does not exist.
The site No. of the file does not coincide with
the No. of the card.
Attempt to transfer when the balance is over
than the credit limit
This card cannot be read.
This card format is illegal.
Enter proper minus/coupon amount.
Set correct menu.
Follow the prompt message.
Program the arrangement again.
Enter proper value again.
Enter proper key again.
Enter file/record number again.
Enter employee number again.
Perform CLOCK-IN operation.
Enter the proper employee number again.
Enter proper job code.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.
Close the opend check/ table data first.
Register active item.
Insert CF card.
Check the CF card.
Format or use a new CF card.
Follow the prompt message.
Swipe the card again.
This card cannot be used.
This card cannot be used.
This card cannot be used.
This card cannot be used.
Enter proper customer No.
Delete unnecessary customer No.
Enter proper customer No.
Swipe the proper magnetic card.
Release credit limit by OPEN2.
Make minus, void, or refund operation to
decrease the balance under the credit limit.
Perform finalization or cancellation.
Swipe the magnetic card again.
Swipe the proper magnetic card.
Follow the prompt message.
Follow the prompt message.