Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
The parameters in the Seat menu select which part of the seat each actuator
controls, how fast it can move, and how end-stops are detected. Additional
parameters enable the simultaneous use of two actuators and select how the
joystick will drive the seat functions.
Toggle Control Mode On/Off Setting this parameter On allows the joystick to be used as a toggle
switch. Moving the joystick forward or backward switches the output
driver to the next state (e.g., up»off»down»off). Once a state has
been entered, the driver will continue in that state until the joystick is
toggled, the Mode button is pressed, or the function reaches its end-
When this parameter is set Off, the output driver provides
positive voltage to the actuator motor when the joystick is moved
forward, and negative voltage when it is moved backward.
Simultaneous Mode On/Off Allows both drivers to be on at the same time.
Actuator 1 Function 0–5 Selects which component Actuator 1 will drive:
0 = No actuator
1 = Seatback
2 = Seat
3 = Left Leg
4 = Right Leg
5 = Both Legs.
Actuator 1 Speed 0–100 % The PWM setting (speed) for Actuator 1.
Actuator 1 Stop Current 0–12 A The driver shuts off if the current rises above this level.
Actuator 2 Function 0–5 Selects which component Actuator 2 will drive (same as list above
for Actuator 1).
Actuator 2 Speed 0–100 % The PWM setting (speed) for Actuator 2.
Actuator 2 Stop Current 0–12 A The driver shuts off if the current rises above this level.
Simultaneous Speed 0–100 % The PWM setting (speed) when both actuators are active.
Note: The stop current when both actuators are operating
simultaneously will be the lower of the two set stop currents.
Actuator Stop Time 3–120 sec The actuator shuts off if it runs longer than this time.
Actuator Open Detect 0–4.2 A An actuator fault is detected if the current falls below this level.