Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
set higher than the Low Speed Comp parameter, and can be set
higher than 100%. Be careful, though, as too high settings can
cause the chair to jerk and oscillate. If this happens, lower the
Anti-Rollback Comp value.
STEP 4. Adjust the Extra Uphill Comp parameter next. This adds a voltage
to hold the chair still, and stops nearly all rollback. Starting from
a setting of 0V, drive up the hill and release the joystick. Repeat
this step, each time increasing the Extra Uphill Comp until the
chair will not roll back, but instead holds its position when the
brakes are applied. Be careful not to set it too high, as with too
much Extra Uphill Comp the vehicle could creep forward.
STEP 5. Now drive down the ramp and release the joystick, adjusting
the Downhill Gain parameter until the chair comes to a smooth
stop before the brakes are applied. You want just enough gain
to allow this function to stop the chair before the brakes are ap-
plied. Too little and the chair will continue to creep down the
hill; too much and the chair will stop abruptly. You may need to
adjust the Brake Delay parameter (Program > Motors & Brakes
menu) to give the downhill hold function time to work properly;
normally 0.5 to 0.8 seconds is enough.
If the chair is inconsistent on downhill ramps, sometimes
stopping while other times creeping, you may need to compen
sate for the non-linear losses of the motor. Try increasing the
Extra Motor Comp parameter and repeating several downhill
stops from different speeds. The stopping should become more
consistent. Do not add more Extra Motor Comp than is neces
sary to achieve this consistency.
STEP 6. Next, drive on flat ground and adjust the Uphill and Down-
hill Threshold parameters. To set the Uphill Threshold, make
small forward movements of the joystick and let go just as the
vehicle starts to move. If the chair bumps forward, increase the
threshold value. Now drive the chair full speed and release the
joystick. Notice the feel just before coming to a complete stop.
If it grabbed or even drove the chair backward, try it over with
gradually increasing Downhill Threshold values until this effect
goes away. If the chair is still slowly creeping at the end of the
stop, try increasing thee Max Downhill Comp.
STEP 7. After adjusting the thresholds, it is necessary to go back to the
ramp and verify and possible re-tune some of the uphill or down
hill parameters. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until you are satisfied
with both ramp and flat floor performance.
STEP 8. If ramp performance degrades with hot motors, run the Motor
Test procedure (Program > Motors & Brakes menu) while the
motors are hot. Set the Hot System Resistance parameter to the
same value as the result of the test. Be sure to turn off the Motor
Test parameter after the test.