Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
STEP 9. Next we will adjust the Fwd Decel, which uses an advanced algo-
rithm. First, set the Soft Stop parameter to 10%.
a. Select a speed mode that commands about 10–20% speed.
Set Fwd Decel High Speed, Mid Speed, and Low Speed to
the same value, and adjust all three parameters alike until
deceleration feels right from this low speed.
b. Select a speed mode that commands about 50% speed.
Adjust Fwd Decel High Speed and Mid Speed, keeping
both at the same value, until deceleration feels right from
mid speed.
c. Select a speed mode that commands 100% speed. Adjust
Fwd Decel High Speed until deceleration feels right from
full speed.
d. Decelerate from various speeds, paying particular attention
to the feel of the chair just before it comes to a complete
stop. Adjust the Soft Stop parameter to provide a softer
(lower values) or quicker (higher values) deceleration rate
that is acceptable across the whole speed range.
d. Decelerate from full throttle in each speed mode to make
sure all provide appropriate deceleration.
STEP 10. Add more Tremor Suppression if necessary to block rapid forward
and reverse vibrations. This will also round out the acceleration
curve and soften overall drive responsiveness.
STEP 11. Accelerate from a stop, and adjust the Soft Start parameter to
provide a softer (higher values) or quicker (lower values) initial
bk Set Up the Turn Speeds
The parameters adjusted during this procedure are both found in the Program >
Profile 1 > Steer menu.
STEP 1. Using the keypad, select the lowest speed mode.
STEP 2. Turn the chair completely right or left and then slowly go to full
straight forward drive, taking care to stay at the full stroke of
the joystick at all times. Adjust the Turn Min Speed parameter
such that the slow rotation and the slow straight speed match.
It should not feel like the vehicle slows down or speeds up as
you go from turning to straight and back to turning.
STEP 3. Now select the highest speed mode and adjust the Turn Max
Speed parameter to a reasonable higher setting. Take care not to
make it too fast as this will make steering very difficult and be
uncomfortable for the operator. Again, driving from full turn
to full straight and back should provide a consistent speed feel.