Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
STEP 7. For now, set the Hot System Resistance parameter at about 10%
higher than System Resistance; this parameter will be adjusted
STEP 8. Return to the Motor Test parameter (Program > Motor & Brakes
menu) and turn it Off.
6 Trim the Chair
Trimming the chair ensures that it truly runs straight forward when it is com
manded to so; see page 4. There are two ways to do this: the easiest way (Steps
1–3), and the fastest way (Steps 4–7). Use whichever technique you prefer.
STEP 1. The easiest way to trim the chair is to let the Auto-Trim feature
do it for you. Turn on the Auto-Trim parameter (Program >
Motors & Brakes menu).
STEP 2. Drive the chair forward as straight as possible for at least 20 sec-
onds, release the joystick, and let the chair come to a complete
stop with the EM brakes set.
STEP 3. Repeat Step 2 for five or ten minutes, and the chair will be
trimmed for you by the Auto-Trim feature.
STEP 4. The fastest way to trim the chair is to do it manually. Turn off the
Auto-Trim parameter (Program > Motors & Brakes menu).
STEP 5. Drive the chair straight ahead briefly and then release the joy-
stick. Note whether the chair veers when stopping or requires
the joystick to be off center to drive straight.
STEP 6. If the chair is not tracking properly, adjust the Motor Trim
parameter (Program > Motors & Brakes menu) up or down to
correct it. After you’ve had some experience doing this, you will
probably develop a feel for this adjustment and be able to do it
quite quickly.
STEP 7. When the chair is tracking properly, turn on the Auto-Trim
parameter so that any further trim adjustments will be done
7 Set Up MyChair
This guide tunes only Profile 1. To tune Profile 2, repeat all the Drive and Steer
procedures (9 through bn), using the Profile 1 settings as a starting point.
STEP 1. Set the MyChair parameter to 1.0, which is Profile 1. Later, after
Profile 2 has also been defined, MyChair can be set to Profile 1,
to Profile 2, or to a point between; see page 3.