Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
STEP 1. Drive the chair full speed and note how well it responds to
small movements. Adjust the Steering Sensitivity value for more
STEP 2. If the chair is still not responsive, you may need to raise the High
Speed Comp value set during procedure
. Conversely, if it is too
jittery or nervous, even at low settings, you may need to lower
the High Speed Comp value.
bn Tune the Quick Stop and the Emergency Stop
The Quick Stop (engaged when the joystick is quickly reversed) and the Emer
gency Stop (engaged when the On/Off button on the handcontrol is pressed
while the chair is being driven) allow the chair to be stopped more quickly than
by the normal deceleration (release of joystick to neutral).
STEP 1. Drive the chair full speed and reverse the joystick quickly, engag-
ing the Quick Stop feature.
STEP 2. Adjust the Quick Stop Factor parameter (Program > Profile 1 >
Drive menu) to provide the fastest possible safe stop.
STEP 3. Because the Quick Stop feature is very fast, it is often hard to
release the joystick fast enough to prevent the chair from actu
ally starting to drive in the opposite direction. You can use the
Quick Stop Pause parameter (Program > Handcontrol > Joystick
menu) to provide a delay giving the operator time to release the
joystick after the Quick Stop.
STEP 4. Again drive the chair at full speed, but this time turn the system
off using the On/Off button on the handcontrol. The chair will
quickly come to a stop as defined by the Emergency Stop param
eter (Program > Profile 1 > Drive menu). Adjust this parameter
for the fastest possible safe stop.
bo Tune the Ramp Control
The powerbase has uphill and downhill control algorithms that make driving
on ramps and grades easier and more comfortable. You will need to find a nice
long medium grade (about 7%) for these tests.
Most of the parameters adjusted during this procedure are found in the
Program > Motor Controller > Compensation menu.
STEP 1. Set Extra Uphill Comp to a very low value, such as 0.2; this is
necessary because the controller will never use Anti-Rollback
Comp if Extra Uphill Comp is set to 0.
STEP 2. Drive up the hill and release the joystick. The chair will roll back
and drop the brake.
STEP 3. Increase the Anti-Rollback Comp parameter and repeat the test.
Continue until it feels like the chair is being restricted when
rolling backward. The Anti-Rollback Comp parameter must be