3-90 C122-E003-02EN
CHAPTER 3 Web-UI Operations
Table 3.59 Buttons in the [Console Redirection Switch] window
(1) Menu operation
[Partition] → [Console Redirection Switch]
(2) GUI operation
1 Select settings in [Console Redirection Switch] and the [Telnet/SSH] by
clicking radio buttons, and click the [Apply] button.
The specified switch values are then set.
• Example of operation with terminal software on a remote client
For a [Console Redirection] connection in the Partition#3 window in Figure 3.34,
enter the following command:
# telnet <MMB_IP_address> 7003
Port If [MMB] is set in [Connect to], input for this item is possible.
A port number of 1024 or higher can be specified for a connection
to a remote client for [Console Redirection].
Telnet/SSH If [MMB] is set in [Connect to], input for this item is possible.
Either [Telnet] or [SSH] can be selected for the protocol used in a
connection to a remote client for [Console Redirection].
If [None] is selected, only the [Console Redirection] window of
the Web-UI can be displayed.
• None
Button Description
Apply Specify a redirection method and a port number, click the [Apply]
button, and the specified values are set.
Cancel Click the [Cancel] button to revert to the original settings.
Item Description