5-28 C122-E003-02EN
CHAPTER 5 Web-UI Operations
Table 5.15 Displayed and setting items in the [Process List] window
Item Description
Refresh Time Screen update time. The user can select one of the following
• None: No updating
• 5sec: 5 seconds
• 10sec: 10 seconds
• 30sec: 30 seconds
• 60sec: 60 seconds
The default setting is [None].
C Check boxes for the signal transmission function (more than one
can be checked).
The init process and [ ] process cannot be selected.
Users with the User privilege can not select any of the check
S Process status:
• D: Sleep status where no interrupt is permitted
• R: Executable
• S: Sleep status
• T: Trace in progress or stopped
• Z: Zombie process (no longer exists)
USER Process user name
PID Process ID
PPID Parent process ID
PRIO Priority
STIME Process start time:
• Less than 24 hours: Process start time (Example: 14:20)
• 24 hours or more: Process start date (Example: Mar04)
TIME Cumulative CPU usage time
CMD Command name
Signal Signals that can be transmitted. The user can select one of the
following values:
The default setting is [SIGTERM].
The [Signal] pulldown list is available only to the Administrator/
Operator privilege.