4-8 C122-E003-02EN
CHAPTER 4 CLI Operations
4.2.5 power on
This command powers on the entire system or specified partitions.
A partition that is specified in the parameter but not yet configured is ignored. The
command does not have an effect on a specified partition that is already on.
z Privilege: Users with the Admin privilege
(1) Synopsis
(2) Options
z chassis: Powers on the cabinet.
This option does not power on partitions.
z partition: Powers on the partitions whose partition numbers are specified.
- If the cabinet has not yet been powered on, this option automatically powers on
the cabinet before powering on the specified partitions. Partitions can be
specified in any of the following ways:
- Specify the -all option (which selects all defined partitions).
- Specify partition numbers delimited by commas.
- Specify a partition number range.
(3) Examples
4.2.6 download ssh_key
This command downloads and registers a public key from a specified server so that a
logged-in user can use the public key for SSH public key authentication.
The input format for the URL is as follows:
z http://host/path/file
z ftp://host/path/file
If no server is specified, the following message is displayed to prompt for URL input:
#download ssh_key
z Privilege: Users with the User privilege
power on [chassis | partition [all | <partition#> [, | -] <partition#>]]]