C122-E003-02EN 8-253
8.3 Operation Commands
• Displays details about the latest error log item
(6) Error Messages
• % Incomplete command.
Cause: Incomplete command input
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• Management data error.
Cause: User log management data is destroyed.
Action: Execute clear logging error.
• System error.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Switch# show logging error detail tail 1
seq date (ver/make) code message
----- ------------------- ------ --------------------------
00002 2001-01-01 00:03:17 eeee
(V01L01-A09 2005-01-11 18:12:13)
V1 Rst_cd=0x02 [Err_code=eeee Err_info=0000]
pc:cace4550 msr:00009030 ctr:c000f19c lr:cace9658
ccr:84022822 tra_fact:00000800
r0:00000000 r1:c714bc50 r2:c7148000 r3:00000000
r4:00000014 r5:c714bcbc r6:c677f804 r7:caf107cf
r8:00000051 r9:000001e0 r10:ca2b900c r11:00000000
r12:24022822 r13:100b4714 r14:00000000 r15:00000000
r16:00000000 r17:00000000 r18:00000000 r19:00000000
r20:00009032 r21:0714bf30 r22:00000000 r23:c0002bb4
r24:c0002920 r25:00000001 r26:c714bd94 r27:00000014
r28:00000014 r29:ffffffef r30:00000000 r31:c714bcbc
DCR:00000000 :00000000 :00000000 :00000000
:00000000 :00000000 :00000000
:00000000 :0700a002 :0700a002 :0700a002
:00000000 :eec00004 :0c000000
:ff801c18 :00000000 :00000000