Chapter 8 Using the Dictionary
Basics Try Using ATLAS
■ Downloading User Dictionaries
The latest user dictionaries and ATLAS Series plug-ins are posted on the ATLAS Internet
Update Web page.
This section describes how to download user dictionaries from the ATLAS Internet Update
Web page.
⇒ To download plug-ins you must login as a user with Administrator permissions.
Click the [Help] button in the Main Window and select [Internet Update].
The ATLAS Internet Update Web page is displayed.
For details on subsequent operations, refer to ATLAS Internet Update Web page.
■ Importing a User Dictionary from Another PC [Import]
You can use ATLAS user dictionaries created on other PCs on your PC. This section
describes the steps to import "User dictionaryPCA" with the translation environment set for
⇒ When the file name of the user dictionary to be imported is unknown, perform Step 2 below
and right-click the dictionary to be imported in [Available Dictionaries] or [Dictionaries Used in
Translation] and select "Detail Settings" from the menu. Check folders saved in the detailed
information dialog box of the displayed dictionary or Japanese Dictionary File Name and
English Dictionary File Name.
Copy the User Dictionary files (*. dic) you want to import onto the hard disk
of your PC.
Copy both the Japanese dictionary (example: JUW0002.DIC) and the English dictionary
(example: EUW0002.DIC).
Click the [Environment] button in the Main Window and then select
[General] from [Translation Environment Settings].