Chapter 1 Basic ATLAS Functions
Basics Try Using ATLAS
1.4 Setting the Translation Environment
[Translation Environment]
ATLAS provides various translation environments according to the type of the
document to be translated.
■ Translation Environment
ATLAS allows you to set up the Translation Environment that defines the dictionaries and
translation style to be used for translation. You can use an appropriate environment simply by
switching their names without resetting dictionaries and translation methods every time you
translate documents.
ATLAS provides 9 translation environments as follows:
General, Thesis, Manual, Letter/Mail,
Business, Patent, Contract, Newspaper/Magazine, Entertainment
■ Select the Translation Environment
This section explains how to set the translation environments used for ATLAS.
You can select the translation environment on the ATLAS Main Window or on each ATLAS
After the translation environment is changed for each function, the environment set in Main
Window is also changed.
Use the [Translation Environment] button to view the [Detail Settings] of the current translation
environment when changing translation environments. For details, refer to Help.
ATLAS Main Window
Select from the [Environment] button in the Main Window.