Chapter 8 Using the Dictionary
Basics Try Using ATLAS
Noun meaning number
Objective particle
When adding a transitive or intransitive verb, be sure to select a Japanese particle for it from
the following.
を/が/に/へ/と/から/よ り/で/の/は/も/まで/無 し
This determines with which particle an English object is to be translated.
Underlines show the words to be added.
Reference for English verb pattern
For the English verb pattern, select "Intransitive", "Transitive" or "Intransitive/transitive."
"Intransitive/transitive" refers to a verb which functions as an intransitive as well as transitive
"Transitive" refers to a verb requiring an object. Add an idiom including a preposition or
adverb as a transitive verb if a noun should follow it.
Add an idiom as an intransitive verb, however, if it is added together with an object.
Meaning Meaning number Examples
Name of person 30
佐藤、 山本一夫、 Clinton
Name of place 45
淡路島、 Park Avenue
Human 13
VIP、 実習生、 隣人、 社長
Animal 14
犬、 猿、 ひらめ、 クワガ タムシ
Organization 12
日本、 会社、 営業部
Place 40
室内、 熱帯、 大都市
Time 43
正午、 今日、 納期
Concrete Object 01
机、 手、 水、 ハサ ミ (what you can touch or see)
Others 03
Original text Translation text Particles representing objects
take care of dogs
take after
take up with
彼女と親し く なる
病気のふり をする
look over
his shoulder
彼の肩越し に見る
go through (通り 抜ける)
Transitive since a noun follows it (e.g. "go through the wall")
go back (戻る)
Intransitive since no noun follows it
go through college
Intransitive since no noun follows it.