Advanced Techniques Hints for Achieving Better Translation Results
Advanced Techniques
Hints on Pre-/Post-editing for
JE Translation
To obtain better English translation, it is important to prepare original text
appropriately for translation. This chapter explains hints for creating such
original text.
Preparing Appropriate Original Japanese Text
■ Making simple original text
Shortening sentences
In general, the longer the sentences, the more difficult the contents are to understand. This is
due to more complicated modifications. Rewrite such sentences into shorter, clearer ones.
⇒ Composing sentences of no more than 50 characters
⇒ Putting 1 topic in 1 sentence
日本における科学技術の研究の大部分は日本語で発表さ れるため、 日本が言葉の
壁によ っ て技術の国際化を拒んでいると いう 非難さ え沸き 起こ っ ている 。
Even the criticism that Japan is refusing the internationalization of the technology
by the language barrier because the majority of the research of the science and
technology in Japan is announced in Japanese has arisen.
日本における科学技術の研究の大部分は日本語で発表さ れる。 そのため、 日本が
言葉の壁によっ て技術の国際化を拒んでいる と いう 非難さ え沸き起こ っ ている 。
The majority of the research of the science and technology in Japan is announced
in Japanese. Therefore, even the criticism that Japan is refusing the
internationalization of the technology by the language barrier has arisen.
⇒ Avoiding using a conjunctive particle
OA 市場は成長期に達し ているが、 最近ホームオート メ ーショ ンについての論議
The discussion about the home automation has become active recently though the
OA market reaches at the term of growth.
OA 市場は成長期に達し た。 最近ホームオート メ ーショ ンについての論議が盛ん
になっ てきた。
The OA market reached at the term of growth. The discussion about the home
automation has become active recently.