Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Translation Editor
Basics Try Using ATLAS
To re-translate specified translated text, click the [Learn] check box in Step 3 and click the [Re-
translate] button. Selected translated text is re-translated.
When you click [Add Word], the [Part of Speech] dialog box opens. For details, refer to "8.6
Adding Words" on page 136.
⇒ If the translated text is a Japanese verb or adjective, only its stem is replaced. When the
conjugated form or part of speech differs, the ending of a word may not be replaced correctly.
Manually replace it and reenter the word.
⇒ When translating into English, all of the replaced words are displayed in the original form.
Correct the ending of the word when necessary.
2.16 Specifying Parts of Speech for EJ
You can improve the translation accuracy by adding a symbol specifying the part of
speech after the word. The following symbols can be added as parts of speech.
Noun: "_N" (or "_n") Verb: "_V" (or "_v")
Adjective: "_A" (or "_a")
Adverb: "_D" (or "_d")
Double-click the word whose part of speech you wish to add.
Select [Insert Part of Speech Code] from the [Edit] menu, and select a part
of speech ([Noun Code] in this example).
A code (“_N“ in this sample) identifying the part of speech will be added after the text
you have specified.