MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
TABLE 1.65 [IPv4 Console redirection Setup] Window Buttons
Apply When [Apply] button is clicked, video redirection, virtual media settings of the specified Partition
Cancel When [Cancel] button is clicked, video redirection, virtual media settings are not applied and it
returns to the original state.
(1) Menu Operation
[Partition] - [Console Redirection Setup] - [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup]
(2) Window Operations
1. IP address and the subnet mask are entered and it is set whether video redirection, virtual media can
be used.
2. [Apply] button is clicked.
This section describes the messages to be displayed on this window.
Invalid IP Address specified
The duplicate IP address was found.
The settings for the Console Redirection IP are changed. All existing network
connections about this settings will be lost. You will need to login again. If you want to
continue, please click OK button. If not, click Cancel button. Are you sure?
[IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] window
The IP address settings for accessing Console Redirection LAN of IPv6, prefix length settings, video
redirection and enable/disable settings of virtual media can be done in the [IPv6 Console Redirection Setup]
In case of automatic settings, when [Auto] button is clicked, IP address, prefix length are automatically