MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
1.5.9 [Remote Server Management] window
You can specify the users who need to remotely manage the MMB via RMCP, in the [Remote Server
Management] window.
Up to 24 users can be registered.
The default settings for all users are [Disabled] status and [No Access]. Also, a default user name from
[User1] to [User24] is assigned to each user.
For remote management of the MMB via RMCP, you need to specify [User Name], [Password], and
[Privilege] to place the users of the managed MMB in the [Enabled] status.
Remote access authentication uses the user name and password of a user in the [Enabled] status.
FIGURE 1.83 [Remote Server Management] window
TABLE 1.115 Display and setting items in the [Remote Server Management] window
Displays a user name.
The name can have a total of 8 to 16 characters.
Displays the privileges of the user account.
No Access (Users for which [No Access] is selected will no longer have the capability
Displays the current status of the account.