MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
Sets whether virtual media can be used.
Enable: Virtual media can be used.
Disable: Virtual media cannot be used.
TABLE 1.150 [IPv4 Console redirection Setup] Window Buttons
Apply When [Apply] button is clicked, video redirection, virtual media settings of the system are
Cancel When [Cancel] button is clicked, video redirection, virtual media settings are not applied and it
returns to the original state.
(1) Menu Operation
[System] - [Console Redirection Setup] - [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup]
(2) Window Operations
1. IP address and the subnet mask are entered and it is set whether video redirection, virtual media can
be used.
2. [Apply] button is clicked.
This section describes the messages to be displayed on this window.
Invalid IP Address specified
The duplicate IP address was found.
[IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] window
The IP address settings for accessing Console Redirection LAN of IPv6, prefix length settings, video
redirection and enable/disable settings of virtual media can be done in the [IPv6 Console Redirection Setup]
In case of automatic settings, when [Auto] button is clicked, IP address, prefix length are automatically