MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
[Network Configuration] - [SSL] - [Create Selfsigned Certificate]
(2) Window Operations
1. Before creating a selfsigned certificate, confirm that [HTTPS] is set to [Disable] in the [Network
Protocols] window.
2. Specify information such as the length of the secret key and the ISO country code of the owner. Then,
click the [Create Selfsigned Certificate] button.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
3. Click the [OK] button in the dialog box.
This creates the selfsigned certificate. It takes a few minutes to create. When creation is completed,
the window is updated. This updated window displays the message "SSL certificate status: A signed
certificate is installed."
The following table lists the messages displayed in this window.
Invalid values specified.
Previous private key will be overwritten with new private key.
Are you sure?
For details on the messages displayed on the window, see PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference
1.5.8 [SSH] menu
The [SSH] menu has the [Create SSH Server Key] window.
[Create SSH Server Key] window
You can create a private key for the SSH server in the [Create SSH Server Key] window.
*Private Key necessary to make the SSH function of MMB effective is made.