UEFI Menu Operations
3.5 [Boot maintenance Manager] Menu
Setting of boot mode, addition or removal of boot option, changes in the boot priority level and changes in
the driver option are carried out in the [Boot maintenance manager] menu. Each menu can be displayed by
placing the cursor on the menus for operation and by pressing the [Enter] key.
Following window is the window immediately after the activation of [Boot maintenance Manager] menu.
FIGURE 3.31 [Boot Maintenance manager] Menu
(1) Page Information Display
Displays as [Boot maintenance Manager]
(2) Menu selection
Displays the menu as shown in “TABLE 3.45 Display Contents of Menu Selection”
TABLE 3.45 Display Contents of Menu Selection
Displays 3.5.1 [Boot Mode] Menu
Displays 3.5.2 [Boot Options] menu
Displays 3.5.3 [Boot From File] Menu
Displays 3.5.4 [Set Time out Value] Menu
3) Operation Help Display
The help for the operations mentioned on this page is shown in “TABLE 3.46 Display Contents of Operation
Help Display”.