The following settings (1) to (4) are required before executing single trace. Once these
settings have been made, trace data is sampled when a program is executed.
(1) Set event mode to normal mode.
(2) Enable trace function.
(3) Set events, sequencer, and delay count.
(4) Set trace-buffer-full break.
■ Setting Single Trace
The following settings are required before executing single trace. Once these settings have been made, trace
data is sampled when a program is executed.
(1) Set event mode to normal mode.
Use SET MODE command to make this setting.
(2) Enable trace function.
Use the ENABLE TRACE command. To disable the function, use the DISABLE TRACE command. The
default is Enable.
(3) Set events, sequencer, and delay count.
Trace sampling can be controlled by setting the sequencer for events. If this function is not needed, there
is no need of this setting.
To set events, use the SET EVENT command. To set the sequencer, use the SET SEQUENCE command.
Furthermore, set the delay count between sequencer termination and trace ending, and the break operation
(Break or Not Break) when the delay count ends. If the data after event occurrence is not required, there is
no need of this setting.
If Not Break is set, the trace terminates but no break occurs. To check trace data on-the-fly, use this setup
by executing the SET DELAY command.
When the sequencer termination causes a break (sequential break), the last executed machine cycle
is not sampled.