2.3.12 RAM Checker
This section describes the functions of the RAM Checker.
■ Overview
The RAM checker obtains history logs of accessing the monitoring addresses on SOFTUNE Workbench and
graphically displays log files using the accessory tool, "RAM Checker Viewer".
SOFTUNE Workbench has the following functions
- Sets monitoring addresses at 16 points
- Logs data access history of monitoring addresses at intervals of 1 ms
- Monitors monitoring addresses at intervals of 100 ms
■ RAM Check Window
The debugging window "RAM Checker" has been added to SOFTUNE Workbench to log/monitor
monitoring addresses.
For operations of Ram checker Window, refer to Section "3.21 RAM Checker Window" of "SOFTUNE
Workbench Operation Manual".
■ Use Conditions
The RAM Checker operates under the following conditions.
- Emulator: MB2147-01
- Communication device: USB
The RAM Checker cannot be used for the MB2141/MB2147-05 emulator, or the RS/LAN communication
device. In those environments, the main menu [View] - [RAM Checker] is not disabled.
The RAM Checker is enabled only when the debug function on MB2147-01 is set to "RAM Checker"
mode. For more details, see Section " Debug Function".