CHAPTER 2 DEPENDENCE FUNCTIONS Displaying Trace Data Storage Status
It is possible to Displays how much trace data is stored in the trace buffer. This status
data can be read by specifying /STATUS to the SHOW TRACE command in the single
trace mode, and to the SHOW MULTITRACE command in the multi trace mode.
■ Displaying Trace Data Storage Status
It is possible to Displays how much trace data is stored in the trace buffer. This status data can be read by
specifying /STATUS to the SHOW TRACE command in the single trace mode, and to the SHOW MULTITRACE
command in the multi trace.
Frame numbers displayed in the multi trace mode is the global number.
- In Single Trace
en/dis = enable : Trace function enabled
buffer full = nobreak : Buffer full break function disabled
sampling = end : Trace sampling terminates
frame no. = -00120 to 00050 : Frame -120 to 50 store data
step no. = -00091 to 00022 : Step -91 to 22 store data
- In Multi trace
en/dis = enable : Multi trace function enabled
buffer full = nobreak : Buffer full break function disabled
sampling = end : Trace sampling terminates
block no.=1to5 :Block 1 to 5 store data
frame no. = 00001 to 00159 : Frame 1 to 159 store data
(Global number)