Set the intensive debugging area out of the whole memory space. The area functions are
■ Setting Debug Area
There are two debug areas: DEBUG1, and DEBUG2. A continuous 512KB area (8 banks) is set for each
Set the debug area using the SET DEBUG command.
Setting the debug area enhances the breakpoints/data breakpoints and the coverage measurement function.
- Enhancement of Breakpoints
Up to six breakpoints (not including temporary breakpoints set using GO command) can be set when the
debug area has not been set yet.
When setting the debug area as the CODE attribute, up to 65535 breakpoints can be set if they are within
the area. At this time, up to six breakpoints can be set for an area other than the debug area, but the total
count of breakpoints must not exceed 65535.
- Enhancement of Data Breakpoints
Up to six data breakpoints can be set when the debug area has not been set yet.
When setting the debug area of the data attribute (READ, WRITE), up to 65535 data breakpoints can be
set if they are within the area and have the same attribute. At this time, up to six data breakpoints can be
set for an area other than the area or for a different attribute, but the total number of data breakpoints must
not exceed 65535.
- Enhancement of Coverage Measurement Function
Setting the debug area enables the coverage measurement function. In coverage measurement, the
measurement range can be specified only within the area specified as the debug area.
The attributes for the debug area are "Don't care" as long as it is being used for coverage measurement.
The coverage measurement attribute can be set, regardless of the debug area attributes.