The macros in (*1) are determined as follows:
- Customize build
1. Source file before and after executing compiler and assembler
2. Target file before and after executing linker, librarian and converter
3. Configuration file before and after executing configuration
Table 1.11-1 List of Macros That Can Be Specified 1
Parameter Meaning
%f Passed as full-path name of file. (*1)
%F Passed as main file name of file. (*1)
%d Passed as directory of file. (*1)
%e Passed as extension of file. (*1)
%a Passed as full-path name of load module file.
%A Passed as main file name of load module file. (*2)
%D Passed as directory of load module file. (*2)
%E Passed as extension of load module file. (*2)
%x Passed as directory of project file. (*2)
%X Passed as main file name of project file. (*2)
%% Passed as %.
Table 1.11-2 List of Macros That Can Be Specified 2
Parameter Meaning
%(FILE) Passed as full-path name of file. (*1)
%(LOADMODULEFILE) Passed as full-path name of load module file. (*2)
%(PRJFILE) Passed as full-path name of project file. (*2)
%(WSPFILE) Passed as full-path name of workspace file. (*3)
%(PRJPATH) Passed as directory of project file. (*2)
%(ABSPATH) Passed as directory of target file. (*2)
%(OBJPATH) Passed as directory of object file. (*2)
%(LSTPATH) Passed as directory of list file. (*2)
%(PRJCONFIG) Passed as project configuration name. (*2) (*3)
%(ENV [Environment
Environment variable specified in environment variable brackets is
%(TEMPFILE) Temporary file is created and its full-path name is passed. (*4)