z Filter Conditions
Filters the users displayed in the user list.
z User Name
Enter a part of or entire user name of the scanner to be filtered.
This can be up to 64 characters long.
z [Refresh List] button
Refreshes the list by filtering using the entered filtering conditions.
z [Clear] button
Select the checkbox of the user name to be deleted, and select the [Clear] button to delete.
z [Select All] button
Selects all checkboxes in the user list.
z [Deselect All] button
Deselects all checkboxes in the user list.
z User list
Access the user list.
z [Back] button
Returns to the "Central Admin Server Settings" window.
■ Scanner Registration
Sets whether to reject registration of a scanner whose configuration information is not set.
z Automatically add new scanners to the Central Admin configuration when they are discovered.
Select the checkbox to add a new scanner automatically.
If the checkbox is selected, scanner configuration can automatically be added to the Central
Admin Server.
Scanner configuration information can be set from the "Scanner Config List" window dis-
played by selecting the [Config List] button in the Central Admin Console main window.
■ Network Connection
Sets up the network to communicate with scanners and the Central Admin Console.
z Use HTTPS to communicate with the Central Admin Console
Select this checkbox to use HTTPS for Central Admin Console communication.
z Central Admin Console Port Number
Enter the port number used to communicate with the Central Admin Console.
The default is "10444". Values that can be specified are 80, 443, and within the range 1024
to 65535.
z Use HTTPS to communicate with scanners
Select the checkbox to use HTTPS to communicate with scanners. If this checkbox setting is
changed, the "SSL" setting on the "Admin Network" screen from the "Network Settings" tab
screen must also be changed for all managed scanners.
z Scanner Communication Port Number
Enter the port number used to communicate with scanners using HTTP/HTTPS.
The default is "20444". The value can be specified within the range of 1 to 65535.