E.3 Central Admin Messages
The following messages may appear during central admin operations.
E.3.1 Central Admin Console Messages
Screen Message Action
Connect Check the port number setting. Enter a port number.
Check the target server setting. Enter a target server.
Connection error. Check the connection origin and
port number, and try again.
Language setting is different to that
used by the Central Admin server.
Set the same language setting for
the Central Admin server and
Central Admin console operating
Central Admin
fi Network Scanner Admin Tool could
not be started.
Check that it has been installed.
Check that the Admin Tool has
been installed correctly.
Error Output was interrupted before it could
finish, and the results cannot be
Return to the previous screen, and try
Try again.
System Error Cannot connect to the database. The
server may be overloaded. Contact the
administrator if this error persists.
(Error code)
Try the following:
z Try again.
z Restart the Central Admin
Internal error has occurred.
(Error type)
Try the following with reference to
the contents of the error details.
z Disconnect and re-login to the
Central Admin console.
z Close and restart the Central
Admin console.
z Restart the Central Admin
z Check the amount of available
free disk space