z [Close] button
Registers the entered scanner settings and returns to the "Scanner Settings" window.
z Issue an Update Call
Select the checkbox to issue an update call.
When the checkbox is selected, even if a scanner is not started or logged in to, the update
module is sent and applied to the scanner according to the Scanner Notification Schedule.
However, if the update is released while logged in to a scanner, the update will be applied
after logged out. If any other available updates are pending, those are also applied at the
same time.
z Scanner Notification Schedule
Sets the schedule to notify scanner settings.
z Now
Issues a call immediately.
z Later
Specifies the date and time to issue a call.
The default value is 00:00 of the following day. The value can be specified within the range
between the current time and a month later.
The Scanner Notification Schedule uses the Central Admin Server timezone.
z [Register] button
Registers the entered scanner settings to the selected settings group.
■ [Back] button
Returns to the Central Admin Console main window.
When a new set of scanner settings is available, first any existing network
printer and network folder settings are deleted, then the new scanner settings
are written over the old scanner settings.
Once the new scanner settings have been applied, any changes to the settings
of individual scanners are retained until the next time a new set of scanner set-
tings becomes available from the Central Admin Server.
Pending updates are performed in the following order:
1. System Updates
2. Add-in Installs
3. Scanner Settings