81002003 Alert notification e-mail could not be
Check the following:
z Check if the computer
connected to the SMTP server is
running properly.
z Check if an e-mail can be sent
to the address from another
computer in the network.
z By performing a ping test,
check if the SMTP server or the
network connection to the
SMTP server is working
properly. If there is no response
from the SMTP server ping test,
check that the system network is
functioning normally by
performing an SMTP server
ping test from another machine
in the network.
z If the system network is not
operating properly, refer to
"Failure to connect to a
server using its IP address"
(page 461) for further
z If only the SMTP server
cannot connect to the
network, request the
network administrator to
check that the SMTP server
and the network connection
to the server are
functioning normally.
81002004 Device monitoring service error. Contact your FUJITSU scanner
dealer or an authorized FUJITSU
scanner service provider.
Code Message Action