fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide 567
12050015 Scan to SharePoint file transfer
error has occurred.
Check the following, and fix as
z Is the specified SharePoint
site connectible to?
z If the SharePoint Server sign
in screen appears, are the
specified authentication
settings correct?
If problem persists, the
administrator should contact the
FUJITSU scanner dealer or an
authorized FUJITSU scanner
service provider for help.
Check the following, and fix as necessary:
z Is the specified SharePoint site
connectible to?
z If the SharePoint Server sign in screen
appears, are the specified authentication
settings correct?
z Can scan data be saved in the specified
SharePoint folder?
If problem persists, the administrator
should contact the FUJITSU scanner dealer
or an authorized FUJITSU scanner service
provider for help.
12050016 File already exists. Choose a
different name or change the
overwrite permission setting.
Change the file name, or select [Yes] to
overwrite the file with the same name.
12050018 Specified file type is not
permitted for the selected
SharePoint site.
Specify a file type that is permitted for the
selected SharePoint site, and try again.
12050100 SharePoint access error
Try again. If the problem persists, contact
your FUJITSU scanner dealer or an
authorized FUJITSU scanner service
12130001 Error: Scan&Buffer process
could not output data for the
scheduled jobs.
Try again.
Code Message Action