Trunk Partner : 00:20:06:25:72:90
Member Ports:
Port Priority Trunk
17 32768 Primary Port
23 32768 Member Port
FIGURE 108 – LACP information over a network
List of commands in this chapter
Syntax lacp - enable the LACP configuration module within CLI
Syntax lacp <enable | disable> - enable or disable LACP
Syntax add port=<number|list|range> [priority=<0-65535>] – add the specified list of ports
to form the logical LACP trunk. Default value for priority is 32768. The lower the value assigned
to priority, the higher the priority. The port with the highest priority is the primary port (over which
certain types of traffic like IGMP is transmitted)
Syntax del port=<number|list|range> - delete specified ports from the LACP membership
Syntax edit port=<number|list|range> [priority=<priority>] - edit the membership of the
ports specified. The priority can be from 0 – 65535
Syntax show lacp – displays the status and other relevant LACP information